Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zippity Zoo...

Last Friday, we had a wonderful trip to the zoo with Grandma Lech, Aunt Melissa, Aunt Jenny and cousins Elizabeth, Sophi and Connor.

The zoo crew all ready to go...

Cade and Grandma...

Elizabeth, Cade and Connor loved driving the milk truck...

Cade was not so sure about the cow smells in here mama...

But he LOVED being a giraffe....

"Roaring" as a giraffe...

Baby and mama giraffe...

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

All and all, it was a great day and the kids were definitely troopers. We had a fun train ride around the zoo..well, unless you ask Cade. He was a fan until we boarded and then he turned on the waterworks.

We can't wait to go back next year and make it a second cousin tradition, just like it was for me growing up with my cousins. Hopefully next year, daddy and Uncle Jason can come...after all, they do serve beer!

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