Friday, July 31, 2009

Dance, Dance...

Last Saturday, Cade had a fun time dancing with his cousins Elizabeth, Sophi, Connor and Dominic at Adam & Rachel's wedding reception...when he wasn't mock golfing with sticks and pinecones that is. Cade can certainly improvise when it comes to golfing!

Here's the little man showing off his moves on the dance floor...

We also finally got the four generation photo we've been meaning to take with my grandpa, mom, Cade and I. Cade was not a happy camper for the shot..he was more interested in dancing and golfing.

And you know eating had to be on the agenda. Cade posed perfectly for Auntie Lys...

Cade scouting for clubs (aka sticks) and balls (aka pine cones)...

The boys were enthused with the poles that held the lights up around the dance floor...

Soon, Elizabeth joined in on the many toddlers can you balance on a tire??

Cade had lots of fun with his "cousins" and can't wait to see them again!

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