Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Lately, Cade has been a silly, silly boy at bedtime. He alternates between running around while shaking his head and going "aaaggghhh" (his c-r-a-z-y mood!) and then laying down, closing his eyes and cozying up to his blankie. His blankies are definitely becoming his "loveys." He especially loves his night time blanket made by Great Aunt Kathie and his blanket that he keeps at daycare made by Great Great Aunt Karen. Every morning, he now has to bring his blankie out to cuddle with while drinking his milk.

Tonight was no exception to the nighttime craziness. Cade climbed up on the couch with Grandpa & Grandma Lech, seemingly sleepy and ready for a cuddle until.... ...this lash out of pure craziness. Such a sweet, silly boy.

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