Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Child of God

Last Saturday, Dane officially became a child of God. We were blessed with a beautiful day with family and friends. The service was intimate and special and Pastor did a wonderful job. He even let Cade participate by being up there with us. Although it was a bit awkward when Cade pointed at Pastor and loudly whispered, "Who's that?" I guess we should find our way to church more often on Sundays!

After sharing in Dane's special blessing, we returned to our house for good food, good company and great camaraderie. (The huge badger win didn't hurt either!) We are so blessed to have such wonderful role models for Dane, not only his godparents Auntie Lys and Brian, but grandparents, friends, aunts, uncles and friends who love him unconditionally. We are so lucky...

And in case you were wondering from the last post, the top photo is Dane and the bottom photo is Cade. Were you right?

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