Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Times, they are a changin'...

I love fall..I love the warm, sunshiney days and crisp nights. I love visiting the apple orchard and pumpkin patch. I love sipping hot apple cider....baking warm apple crisp and pumpkin pie. My sister and I were talking and I said I think I like fall best because it fits my personality. Fall is the classic represents family...and coziness..and thankfulness. It's a time for warm sweaters and boots. It's the smell of burning leaves and the cool, crisp air and the site of frost on golden colored leaves. You can't help but feel blessed during Fall. As the leaves change color, you see the beauty of God's wonder in action.

It's hard to believe this will be Cade's third how times have changed. Last night, Cade was able to come with daddy to visit me at work for our Fall Extravaganza Open House. We had a community pumpkin patch and Cade picked out the first pumpkin he saw...

(thanks Ali for taking this picture of our sweet boy, even if he wouldn't look you in the eye or crack a smile...)

...he was looking just a bit different from his first fall..and first pumpkin...

“Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.”
-William Cullen Bryant

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