Monday, October 11, 2010

A little of this, a little of that...

This post may be a bit all over the place, hence the title of today's post.
Today begins my first full week back to work...which also means my first day dropping Dane off at daycare. {Insert sad face here.} Fortunately, Jon offered to come along for the first drop off day. The hand off of Dane to the teacher was sans tears thank goodness. Wait, let me rephrase - it was sans tears for, not so much. I suppose that's one advantage to having him start at daycare as a baby versus Cade, who started at a year old...he's much more open to strangers at his young age. Fast forward to around 10:00 a.m. when I called in to see how my sweet boy was doing and heard him crying in the background...putting me in tears as well (That's 2-0 on the tears count for me if you're keeping track...). As it turns out, he was crying because he had just finished his bottle and hadn't burped yet. When Jon picked the boys up, Ms. Roxanne said she felt bad that she even answered the phone since I had to hear my little pumpkin cry. After she got off the phone and burped him, he was all smiles. So, overall, they said he had a great first day. Hopefully all continues to go well...
And, speaking of pumpkins, we had a great trip to Helene's Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch on Sunday. Grandma Janet and Grandpa Tom graciously offered to watch baby Dane, who still isn't a fan of his baby bjorn (although I can't blame him, he's smushed up against me with no view of the outside world...I think once he can see what's going on, he'll be on board...literally).

Cade was a bit too preoccupied eating his apple to face the camera...

Oh, wait...look how big I am...

Cade and mommy...

Children of the corn...

Silly boy...looks like he's trying to eat the corn..."'member, 'member I yike corn mom..."

Cade and daddy...

"Look at me; take my picture!" ... hence, the pose...

Happy trails...

Cade wanted "take a pitchure of my apple all by myself, mom"


"I yike apples, daddy..."


Picking out a pumpkin for baby Dane...

"I yike dis one, daddy..."
And, since apparently I'm working my way backwards on the weekend, on Saturday we accomplished some work around the house. Grandpa Lech and daddy put in the new front door, which means we are finally winding down on all of our summer (or fall as it may be) projects. The new door looks a-ma-zing! Hopefully we'll have some before and after pictures to share with you very soon.
Until then, happy Fall...

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