Thursday, October 14, 2010

More fallin' for fall...

As I mentioned in my last post, Cade and Jon visited me at work for our Fall Extravaganza Open House on Tuesday. Cade LOVED getting to hang in the firetruck again...just like Uncle Kyle and Gampa Yech. Here he is 'driving'...

'Look at me!'

He also loved getting to climb up in the tractor. Daddy was too busy checking out the parts on the tractor that he quoted for Case IH.

Cade was especially in awe of the HUGE tires on the tractor...'really, really big mom, right'...

Watching Dane, it's so amazing to think that it wasn't that long ago that Cade was that small. Then I look at Cade and see how much he's growing and learning every day. His vocabulary astounds us every day. Lately, he wakes up in the morning and asks, "So, whatcha wanna do today mom?" He loves pulling up a chair when we're eating or working in the kitchen and saying, "So, whatcha wanna talk 'bout?" Then he'll go through everything he did that day..with a little bit of rubbish language mixed in. We're pretty sure he jabbers like that to imitate us when we're in conversation. It's hilarious.

Just the other day on the way home from school, he asked baby Dane, "How school today baby Dane?," just like we always ask him.

He's also started to ask 'why' but if you ask him why, he'll just say 'cuz.' He's also learned to fib...sometimes when you ask him why he did something he'll say, "Cuz {Gamma, Daddy, Mommy or whoever isn't there} said so..."

Even with his innocent little fibs, He's still such a sweet boy, too. He'll come up to you out of nowhere and just hug your leg and say, "I yuv you so much." If he notices or thinks you're sad, he'll say, "Aw, wanna hug?" And when you tell him something he says, "Oh, that's cool" or "That'd be fun."

One thing is for sure, these boys will continue to keep us on our toes and make us appreciate all the little things...and laugh...a lot.

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