Monday, October 25, 2010

Three Months!

Three months...a quarter of a year did that happen?! Our sweet boy is growing and changing before our eyes.

At three months, Dane Garrison....

...still loves to kick and move about...our little guy is a mover and a shaker already outgrowing some of his 3-6 month clothes..this is one long little boy... moving into size three diapers

...seems to be outgrowing (or at the very least tolerating) his acid reflux, thank goodness only grumpy when he's hungry..and he shows it...

...but overall is a super smiley and happy little boy starting to really gain his head control and can sit up for periods at a time..but still hasn't figured out how to push up on his arms at tummy time

...eats every three hours during the day (at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7)

...sleeps through the night (6:30-7:30ish until 7:00 a.m.) while swaddled with his starry night turtle and ocean waves and rain white noise

...naps 3-4 times a day, usually for around an hour a time, but sometimes as long as two hours

...started daycare and seems to be adjusting well

...but got his first cold that he can't seem to kick :(

...still loves his swing and is starting to really love his bouncer, especially the music and lights

...coos and 'jabbers' up a storm, especially at friendly faces like his big brother Cade

...was baptized among family and his godparents Brian and Auntie Alyssa

...finally tolerates his carseat and car rides (cabin, here we come!)

...loves to blow bubbles and is a bit of a drool machine while trying to shove his entire fist in his mouth really discovering his hands and likes to grasp his rattles and toys the best huge gummy smiles when Cade and I get him out of bed in the morning

Oh sweet boy, we are loving the little man you're becoming, full of life and personality. We can't wait to watch you continue to learn and grow.


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