Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

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Sweeter Than Candy

As Cade's shirt says, "Mummy says I'm sweeter than this candy"...
Indeed you are...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sneak Peak

Cade is all ready for trick-or-treating on Saturday. Here's a sneak peak at his roarin' great lion costume...

Who knew lions golfed??

Like his lion friend, Cade is becoming quite the carnivore...or herbivore...or, well, he eats nearly anything and everything. He's particularly fond of his fruit..apples, mandarin oranges, fruit leather, name it, he LOVES it!

I'm not sure if he's going through another growth spurt, but it seems he's always hungry lately. He'll finish his dinner..sometimes not even eating all of it...and then he comes to us and our plates saying "bite peas - bite peas mama - bite peas dada." As you know, it's been a challenge for Cade to consistently say please but this week, he finally mastered saying "peas" instead of always saying "mowe, mowe" (aka more, more). Thank goodness...

Watch for a video of our polite little man coming soon...until then...

...good night.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Row, Row, Row your boat...

It was another wonderful weekend at the Felch casa that went waaaayyy too fast. We were blessed to have Great Grandpa Lech visiting this weekend so we had two family dinners at Grandma and Grandpa Lech's house. On Friday, we had a delicious fish fry...and some "rowing" in Cade's new makeshift "boat" (aka laundry basket), complete with "oars" (aka golf clubs).

Grandma didn't fit quite as easily in the boat...she climbed in to give Cade a demo on the rowing action...we had to snap a photo before answering her pleas for help...ha ha...

Cade stuck to the living room on Saturday at first as well...he wasn't so sure about Great Grandpa. It usually takes him awhile to warm up to those he doesn't see very often. So, he occupied his time hangin' with dad..literally...

He also snuggled with grandpa a bit....

He had fun playing with his "fi-tuck" like "gampa" and "ky-guy"...

And you know there had to be some golf action...

After awhile, Cade warmed up to his Great Grandpa by playing catch. Then we had him cozy up on the couch for a three generation are Cade and Great Grandpa deep in conversation...

The threesome was all smiles...ha ha...

When it was time to head home, Cade even gave great grandpa two hugs...too bad my camera was slow on the uptake so I only caught the end of the hug...

All and all, another great Fall weekend. We've also been working on some home projects...and by we, I really mean Jon. We installed a tile backsplash in the kitchen and, as we speak, Jon is putting up new doors and trim up in the basement to match the new egress windows going in on Tuesday. The fun never ends around for pics coming soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good Night, Sleep Tight...

Lately, Cade doesn't want to go to bed. He's clearly sleepy but he just doesn't want us to leave the room...and we're not particularly good at telling this sweet face that it's lights out for good...especially when he is screaming crying.

A little bit of "Moo, Baa, La La La"...
Where is the horsie mama?
Oh, here he is!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Porch

Sorry for being MIA lately...we've been sick at the Felch household and then our computer was "sick"..we couldn't get online to upload photos. Such a tragedy!

We were feeling better by the weekend so we hit the pumpkin patch on Sunday....or to be more accurate the pumpkin porch. As it turns out, the advertised pumpkin patch was nonexistent. Cade still had fun picking out his pumpkin, dancing to the polka music and seeing the mini ponies.
Let's do this...
Not so sure about the "wagon" ride...Peek-a-boo pumpkin sign...I want THIS one!!Hmmm..or maybe this one...and I can use my hand as a club and the pumpkin as a ball...Helping daddy with the final selection...

Did you know there are horses here?!?

Cade was pretty good at calling in the ponies..."nayyyyy"And he calls one in...

Saying "buh bye" to the mini ponies with daddy...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Raspberry Lovin'

As previously mentioned, Cade LOVES his berries..especially raspberries. He could easily eat an entire pint in one sitting. Here is lovin' on his favorite fruit...

Monday, October 12, 2009


Cade's newest love is "FUT-BA." He loves watching games and highlights, not to mention playing with his own football. Every morning, Cade cuddles in the bedroom while I finish getting ready for work. Typically, he watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while drinking his milk in our bed...but lately he says, "mama," hands me the remote and says "FUT - BA" meaning he wants me to put on ESPN. He gets frustrated if they're on commercial - he'll just look at me with an exasperated look on his face and say "FUT-BA mama, FUT-BA??" Once he tires of watching football highlights, he'll hand me the remote again asking for "don duck" (aka Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). After a bit of MMC, it's back to football and then the cycle begins.

Daddy also recently taught Cade how to recover a fumble. It would seem he's becoming a three sport athlete these days...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Falling for...winter??

This weekend, we headed up north for a nice, relaxing, cozy weekend at the cabin...well, for Cade and I it was anyway. Daddy and Grandpa took out the boats and the dock...Aunt Lisa and Daddy raked leaves...and everyone picked up the outside of the cabin in preparation for fall and winter. When we woke up on Saturday morning, it sure looked like winter...

...brrrr....thank goodness we were cozied up by the fire. Later that evening, Cade got into a bit of a rumble with a bear...

Don't worry - no one was injured...besides, the bear didn't put up much of a fight. In fact, Cade and his animal companion kissed and made up...

Sunday morning was a bit more fall-like, albeit still quite chilly. The colors were beautiful...

Cade had a blast "supervising" the big boys with Aunt Lisa. He even got to sit on the four wheeler with daddy...

He earned his keep picking up leaves...

Though he wasn't quite as quick and nimble as usual...he had just a few layers on...

Notice Cade was wearing his hat...after day one outside, he must have realized the benefit of a hat because day two of hat wearing was met with little to no resistance.

All and all, a wonderful weekend relaxing with family...there's just something about being on the lake...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hat's Off...

...literally. Lately, Cade's decided he doesn't like wearing hats...any hats. I've tried saying it's a "FUT BALL helmet"...we've tried hats on ourselves saying, "Oh, good job mama" and "Oh, good job dada" no avail. Cade wants nothing to do with it. If you live in good ole Wisco...or anywhere in the midwest for that know it's been COLD. In fact, I think snow flurries are in the 10 day forecast. For Cade, that means it's no longer becoming a choice to wear a hat, it's becoming a necessity. So, if you have any great advice for getting a strong willed toddler to wear a hat, we're all ears (pun intended).

In some cases, hat also extends to hood, which could bode problematic for Cade's halloween costume. Here he is previewing it....roarrrrrr!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Love of my Life

All the things you are to me
Darling you have set me free
I'll always give you what you need
And what you deserve

All the joy and all this love
I know that it is from above
And now together there's enough
To fill this world

'Cause you are the love of my life
You are the love of my life
And now we're man and wife

So I give you heart and soul
It's yours to take wherever you go
And through the years
You'll always know
It's yours to keep

God has blessed this sacred vow
And angels high above look down
And see the two of us have found
The perfect love

Happy Anniversary to my best friend, husband and partner in life.
I love your love the most.

**Lyrics courtesy of "We are man and wife" - Michelle Featherstone

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Art a la Cade

Cade has the opportunity to do many art projects at school. However, he's not always a fan..especially if his hands get dirty. He much prefers playing outside and shooting hoops in the gym. All that aside, he has completed some masterpieces.

Here's a sampling of some of his finest work...

"Apples & Orchards"

"Hands On Gardening"

"Under the Sea"

Speaking of galleries, we recently updated the photo gallery at the Felch casa...full of pictures of our beautiful baby boy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

20 Months

Can you believe that our sweet 'baby' boy is 20 months old today?? We can't...especially when you consider how much he has changed in the past 20 months...
Here's a snapshot of our sweet boy at 20 months:
Favorite Song for Dancing - "Ice, Ice, Baby" or "Go, Cubs, Go" or "Hot Dog"...Cade LOVES to dance
Favorite Food(s) - Annie's Bunny Cheese Crackers, Raspberries and Blueberries, Cookies
Favorite Words - Juice, Guck (Truck), Bus(ssss), More, Buh Bye
Favorite Animal - Horse (Nayyyyy) or Duck (Qak Qak) or Dog (yike bewa - aka like Bella)
Favorite Sports - Golf, Ba-ket-ba, and FUTball
Favorite TV Programs - Sportscenter (especially FUTball, ba-ket-ba and golf highlights), Dancing with the Stars (he dances along), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny
Favorite People - He loves us all but it's definitely dada (or PAPA), gampa (both) and Ky-Guy (Uncle Kyle)..he definitely is all about the guys right now...oh and Bewa (Bella)