Friday, October 9, 2009

Hat's Off...

...literally. Lately, Cade's decided he doesn't like wearing hats...any hats. I've tried saying it's a "FUT BALL helmet"...we've tried hats on ourselves saying, "Oh, good job mama" and "Oh, good job dada" no avail. Cade wants nothing to do with it. If you live in good ole Wisco...or anywhere in the midwest for that know it's been COLD. In fact, I think snow flurries are in the 10 day forecast. For Cade, that means it's no longer becoming a choice to wear a hat, it's becoming a necessity. So, if you have any great advice for getting a strong willed toddler to wear a hat, we're all ears (pun intended).

In some cases, hat also extends to hood, which could bode problematic for Cade's halloween costume. Here he is previewing it....roarrrrrr!

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