Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sneak Peak

Cade is all ready for trick-or-treating on Saturday. Here's a sneak peak at his roarin' great lion costume...

Who knew lions golfed??

Like his lion friend, Cade is becoming quite the carnivore...or herbivore...or, well, he eats nearly anything and everything. He's particularly fond of his fruit..apples, mandarin oranges, fruit leather, name it, he LOVES it!

I'm not sure if he's going through another growth spurt, but it seems he's always hungry lately. He'll finish his dinner..sometimes not even eating all of it...and then he comes to us and our plates saying "bite peas - bite peas mama - bite peas dada." As you know, it's been a challenge for Cade to consistently say please but this week, he finally mastered saying "peas" instead of always saying "mowe, mowe" (aka more, more). Thank goodness...

Watch for a video of our polite little man coming soon...until then...

...good night.

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