Sunday, October 11, 2009

Falling for...winter??

This weekend, we headed up north for a nice, relaxing, cozy weekend at the cabin...well, for Cade and I it was anyway. Daddy and Grandpa took out the boats and the dock...Aunt Lisa and Daddy raked leaves...and everyone picked up the outside of the cabin in preparation for fall and winter. When we woke up on Saturday morning, it sure looked like winter...

...brrrr....thank goodness we were cozied up by the fire. Later that evening, Cade got into a bit of a rumble with a bear...

Don't worry - no one was injured...besides, the bear didn't put up much of a fight. In fact, Cade and his animal companion kissed and made up...

Sunday morning was a bit more fall-like, albeit still quite chilly. The colors were beautiful...

Cade had a blast "supervising" the big boys with Aunt Lisa. He even got to sit on the four wheeler with daddy...

He earned his keep picking up leaves...

Though he wasn't quite as quick and nimble as usual...he had just a few layers on...

Notice Cade was wearing his hat...after day one outside, he must have realized the benefit of a hat because day two of hat wearing was met with little to no resistance.

All and all, a wonderful weekend relaxing with family...there's just something about being on the lake...

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