Thursday, October 1, 2009

20 Months

Can you believe that our sweet 'baby' boy is 20 months old today?? We can't...especially when you consider how much he has changed in the past 20 months...
Here's a snapshot of our sweet boy at 20 months:
Favorite Song for Dancing - "Ice, Ice, Baby" or "Go, Cubs, Go" or "Hot Dog"...Cade LOVES to dance
Favorite Food(s) - Annie's Bunny Cheese Crackers, Raspberries and Blueberries, Cookies
Favorite Words - Juice, Guck (Truck), Bus(ssss), More, Buh Bye
Favorite Animal - Horse (Nayyyyy) or Duck (Qak Qak) or Dog (yike bewa - aka like Bella)
Favorite Sports - Golf, Ba-ket-ba, and FUTball
Favorite TV Programs - Sportscenter (especially FUTball, ba-ket-ba and golf highlights), Dancing with the Stars (he dances along), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny
Favorite People - He loves us all but it's definitely dada (or PAPA), gampa (both) and Ky-Guy (Uncle Kyle)..he definitely is all about the guys right now...oh and Bewa (Bella)

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