Monday, October 12, 2009


Cade's newest love is "FUT-BA." He loves watching games and highlights, not to mention playing with his own football. Every morning, Cade cuddles in the bedroom while I finish getting ready for work. Typically, he watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while drinking his milk in our bed...but lately he says, "mama," hands me the remote and says "FUT - BA" meaning he wants me to put on ESPN. He gets frustrated if they're on commercial - he'll just look at me with an exasperated look on his face and say "FUT-BA mama, FUT-BA??" Once he tires of watching football highlights, he'll hand me the remote again asking for "don duck" (aka Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). After a bit of MMC, it's back to football and then the cycle begins.

Daddy also recently taught Cade how to recover a fumble. It would seem he's becoming a three sport athlete these days...

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