Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Porch

Sorry for being MIA lately...we've been sick at the Felch household and then our computer was "sick"..we couldn't get online to upload photos. Such a tragedy!

We were feeling better by the weekend so we hit the pumpkin patch on Sunday....or to be more accurate the pumpkin porch. As it turns out, the advertised pumpkin patch was nonexistent. Cade still had fun picking out his pumpkin, dancing to the polka music and seeing the mini ponies.
Let's do this...
Not so sure about the "wagon" ride...Peek-a-boo pumpkin sign...I want THIS one!!Hmmm..or maybe this one...and I can use my hand as a club and the pumpkin as a ball...Helping daddy with the final selection...

Did you know there are horses here?!?

Cade was pretty good at calling in the ponies..."nayyyyy"And he calls one in...

Saying "buh bye" to the mini ponies with daddy...

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