Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Five months

At five months (or five months and one week), Dane Garrison... a bit of a drooly man...we're hoping that first tooth is coming in any day now (poor little guy)

...can sit up unattended for up to a minute or two... starting to like his bumbo chair...especially being able to look around..there's no holding this little guy down! the smiliest, happy little guy...he has a grin that just makes your heart melt...

...LOVES to roll over on to his belly and grunts his unhappiness if he sees a toy in front of him that he can't reach...I think he's going to be our early crawler...

...loves using his hands to check things out, including your face, hands, glasses and, yes, hair (just ask Cade - ouch!)...

...especially likes to roll from his back to his belly at night in his crib, usually getting himself stuck in the process (cue rescue from mom and dad)... quite long, already rocking the 6-12 month clothes...daddy thinks he's going to be our o-lineman

...loves watching everything that's around him...he'll try to sit up and out of his swing, bouncer, carseat...just to check in on the action...especially if it involves his big brother Cade... still in size 3 diapers

...eats 8-9 ounces every four hours for four bottles a day

...just started rice cereal and eats it, but not without some very silly, scrunched up faces

..tries to grab at the spoon or the bowl...and especially his bib while eating (causing a bit of a mess)
...easily sleeps through the night, with some snags when he naturally wakes in the night deciding it's playtime and rolls over only to get stuck (see above)

...absolutely ADORES his big brother Cade...he is enamored with his songs and lights up at the sound of his voice
...usually naps about 3x/day with one longer nap and a couple hour or less naps... absolutely adorable (not that we're biased at all) and has nicknames of sweetpea, pumpkin, pumpkin pie and sweet boy

We love you so much Dane...xoxoxox

Monday, December 13, 2010

Let it be...

I know, I know...we've been gone for nearly a month from the blog-o-sphere. We've just been busy living life. I've always loved the quote, "Life's what happens when you're busy making plans." Isn't that the truth? We had a wonderful weekend because we didn't do very much at all. We were able to spend lots of time together because it was way too cold/windy/freezing/snowy to be anywhere but cozy at home....and it was amazing. I am so blessed to have my three sweet boys...

Sometimes, well let's be honest here, many times I worry. I worry about how I'm going to find the time to Christmas shop, make cookies, order Christmas cards, clean the house...the list goes on and on. But then I think I am so blessed to have money to buy gifts for the ones I love. I am blessed to have wonderful friends and family to send Christmas cards to...and they aren't going to care if the cards arrive early, on time or if they're a day late..they will just be happy to know we're thinking of them. I am blessed to have food and ingredients to make many have no food to eat at all. And I'm blessed to have a house to clean (okay, maybe this one's a bit of a stretch..just kidding)...some dream of someplace warm to call their own.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life that we forget to cherish those moments. I hope that's one lesson I never forget. When I think back over all that's happened in the past year, I can't believe a year has passed. Last Christmas, I was worried whether I would be able to celebrate this Christmas with my mom...and here we are, a year later, and she is in good health and has Christmas decorations on her Christmas list so I know she's planning to be around for many more holidays to come (because we know dad's not the one who digs all the Christmas decor hoo ha!). In a year, we've added another handsome, sweet boy to our family. We've watched our oldest boy grow into such a smart, confident toddler. And over the year, I've become (well almost) an aunt to a little boy who will be so loved by his cousins.

Yes, sometimes life happens when we're busy making plans. So, please forgive me for neglecting my "plans" to update the blog...I hope you understand. We've been living and loving life...

With that, let the photo updates commence...

Our sweet boys in their matching jammies...smiles are optional....

Cade, Grandma Janet, Auntie Lisa and I hit the Teddy Bear Breakfast with Santa...

We headed out to the "the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols"...the felch family Christmas tree...Cade insisted on bringing his saw to help daddy...

Jon and I headed to Breckenridge, Colorado for a mini vacation with one of Jon's best friends from college, Brian, and his fiance was absolutely gorgeous. We snowmobiled to the Continental Divide at 12,500 feet... that's what we've been up to. Now, go ahead and watch for that felch family Christmas card coming in the mail. It should be there before Christmas...and if it's not, well, again, forgive me.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Four Months

At four months, Dane Garrison... completely obsessed with his big bro. His eyes light up when he sees him and get gets a big gummy grin on his face. really starting to get his own personality and distinct 'look'

...has his first really bad cold/ can see the sickness in his sweet little eyes equally doted on by his big bro, who loves giving him kisses, reading to him, singing to him and just lovin' up on him any way he can

...can sit up pretty well and has control of his head, with the exception of a few bobbles here and there a very smiley little guy, with the exception of these four month photos of course (being sick is no fun)

...has rolled over but mostly just loves to roll over on his side and take a peak at what's going on in 3-6 and 6-12 month clothes still in size three diapers

...eats every three-four hours during the day

...still sleeps through the night, with a few recent hiccups where he wakes up around 3-4, not hungry, but ready to coo and play

...can sleep unswaddled, but has been lately due to being sick

...had his first professional photo shoot..and did great (watch for pics soon)

...LOVES munching on his hands

...has found his grasp...including mommy's hair

...still brings us so much love and joy that our hearts hurt. We love you little man.

And tune in Tuesday for the little's guys latest stats.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Day in the Life

You just can't make this stuff up...

Scene: Katie, aka mom, is sitting in baby Dane's room feeding him his morning bottle. Cade is believed to be in the kitchen eating his morning cereal.

Mom: Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: I eating my cereal, mommy.

Peculiar silence...breakfast time typically includes songs and talking to one's self.

Mom: (again) Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: I eating my cereal, mommy.
Mom: (hm..something sounds fishy out there but Dane is almost done with his bottle)

Carry baby Dane out into the living room where I find Cade sitting in daddy's chair with his cup of dry cereal next to him.

Mom: (yet again) Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: (looking sheepish) I eating my cereal.

I move closer, Cade sidles up to the side of the chair in an apparent attempt to hide something.

Mom: Cade, what do you have?
Cade: Um... (thinking, looking sheepish) Um.... NOT a sucker.

I pull him away from the side of a chair, only to find a sucker stuck to the side of his fleece jammie bottoms.

Mom: Cade, that was very naughty (but internally finding his antics a bit comical and making a side note to call Jon to fill him in on the way to work). We don't take candy without asking and we don't eat candy for breakfast. You do not climb up on the counter (said candy was already elevated to a point where Cade shouldn't have been able to reach it...I now notice his step stool pushed squarely against said counter) could have got a bad owie.
Cade: (exasperated) But I hungy mom!
Mom: That's why you have cereal, Cade.

{Insert timeout here}

Since that time, I informed Cade that the candy was, in fact, all gone (hang head in shame for lying to my child). He looked at me with deep sadness in his eyes and complete disbelief....then, an a-ha moment. "I go trick-or-treating again get more candy, right?" Nope, sorry buddy, not until next year...and while we're at it remember that ho ho ho (Cade's moniker for Santa) is coming soon and he only brings toys to good little boys and girls (that's now 2-0 on the lie count for mommy).

Ah, for the love of the holidays.....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuckered Out

We had Dane's three month photos on Saturday and our photographer was sweet enough to also take some photos of the fam and of Cade. After we took some inside shots of Dane, we headed outside for the family shots. Although it was gorgeous and sunny for November, it was still a bit chilly so we had Dane bundled up. The photos were taken less than five minutes from home but Dane crashed even before we pulled back in our driveway.

Apparently, modeling is tough...

Our photographer, Lisa, of Bluesixteen photography was wonderful enough to give us a sneak peek of five photos on her Facebook page right away on Saturday (If you're on Facebook, check out the link on my page or else check out Lisa's page "Bluesixteen Photography & Design"). She captured our sweet boys perfectly and we can't wait to see the rest!

Happy Halloween!

Wow, how did it get to be November 7th already?! So, I'm a week late on the Halloween post. Forgive me?
We were lucky to have great weather for Halloween this year. It was still a bit chilly for baby Dane but we were able to get some family pics outside with our little football before heading out on the candy seeking excursion.

Cade and Dane also dressed up at the Y on Friday in their costumes. Dane wasn't such a fan there, but with the cooler temps outside on Sunday, he liked cozying up in his little football bunting.

Sweet boy...

Cade was elated for his first trick or treating adventure. He snuggled in to his wagon with his candy bag in the wagon "trailer."

Alyssa and I took Cade around our neighborhood after we drove over to Grandma & Grandpa Lech's and then to Gigi's to see Gigi, Grandma Janet, Grandpa Tom and Great Aunt Kathie. Daddy hung home with baby Dane and handed out candy. We hit up about 5-6 houses in our neighborhood before Cade decided to call it a day and head home. He was so cute at each house, running and yelling "I got cannnddddyyyyy!" He couldn't believe that people just gave him candy.

Once we were home, Cade settled in to hand out candy to his fellow trick or treaters.

"I'ma gonna wait right here for the trick or treaters come, 'kay mom"

Apparently, giraffes love suckers....


Happy belated Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our little wildcats...

Growing up, Jon was a huge University of Arizona Wildcats could he not be with grandparents and a great aunt living in Tucson. He lived for Arizona basketball, even dreaming that he'd play there one day along with his 6th grade bff Jon. Fast forward nearly twenty years and now our boys are donning their own wildcat gear...perhaps they'll fulfill their dad's dream and play for the U of A one day.

A special thanks to the aforementioned Great Aunt Karen for keeping the boys in style in their Arizona gear.

Happy brothers...

Love, love, love...

Oh how we love how this boy is chunking up..don't you just want to pinch those happy little cheeks?!
...and remember, college basketball is just around the corner...go Wildcats!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Three Months!

Three months...a quarter of a year did that happen?! Our sweet boy is growing and changing before our eyes.

At three months, Dane Garrison....

...still loves to kick and move about...our little guy is a mover and a shaker already outgrowing some of his 3-6 month clothes..this is one long little boy... moving into size three diapers

...seems to be outgrowing (or at the very least tolerating) his acid reflux, thank goodness only grumpy when he's hungry..and he shows it...

...but overall is a super smiley and happy little boy starting to really gain his head control and can sit up for periods at a time..but still hasn't figured out how to push up on his arms at tummy time

...eats every three hours during the day (at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7)

...sleeps through the night (6:30-7:30ish until 7:00 a.m.) while swaddled with his starry night turtle and ocean waves and rain white noise

...naps 3-4 times a day, usually for around an hour a time, but sometimes as long as two hours

...started daycare and seems to be adjusting well

...but got his first cold that he can't seem to kick :(

...still loves his swing and is starting to really love his bouncer, especially the music and lights

...coos and 'jabbers' up a storm, especially at friendly faces like his big brother Cade

...was baptized among family and his godparents Brian and Auntie Alyssa

...finally tolerates his carseat and car rides (cabin, here we come!)

...loves to blow bubbles and is a bit of a drool machine while trying to shove his entire fist in his mouth really discovering his hands and likes to grasp his rattles and toys the best huge gummy smiles when Cade and I get him out of bed in the morning

Oh sweet boy, we are loving the little man you're becoming, full of life and personality. We can't wait to watch you continue to learn and grow.
