Monday, August 31, 2009

Hoopin' it up...

Just in case you thought Cade was just a single sport athlete with golf... would be wrong. Today, they played in the gym at the Y since it was so cool outside. When Jon picked Cade up, they asked if he played basketball at home because they couldn't believe Cade was so good. And, as you saw in an earlier post, even Porter, Cade's stuffed puppy, gets thrown through the hoop. Not to mention remotes, blankies, toys, etc...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Swingin' Good Time...

It was another wonderful weekend that went too fast. On Saturday, it was freeeeeezing outside. Daddy knew this first hand as he was in a golf outing..brrr. We snuggled up at home and did some cleaning. Cade was a happy helper with the swiffer duster. He was mimicking me and dusting the shelves in the living room, the bookshelf in his room...until...this....

...once again, Cade proves he can make anything into a golf club.

On Sunday, we observed our day of rest. After Cade's nap, we headed outside to play. Daddy was golfing..again..but today was a much nicer day. Cade wandered over to the park for some swing and slide fun...

He just giggled the entire time on the was precious!






Thursday, August 27, 2009

Putt, Putt..

I think even complete strangers can recognize Cade's affinity for, if you've landed on our site, you are more than well aware of Cade's love affair with "putt putt." We've been working on keeping the clubs outside only and if they are inside, it's only for "putt putt" with "two hands." Cade happily obliged at Grandma and Grandpa Lech's....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news...

Cade had his 18 month check-up today. Surprise, surprise - our little man is now way off the charts. He was hovering around the 97-100th percentile but now he jumped right off the growth chart. Our little, wait big, man checks in at the following:

Weight 33lb, 15 oz
Height 36" (aka 3 feet tall!)

Cade looked a bit rough heading to the doctor..our little climber fell off the chair today and had his first fat lip. He also had matching mosquito bites on each side of his eye.

Here's the poor little dude in pain...

Oh wait, just kidding...his fat lip didn't slow him down at all!

When we got home from the doctor and running errands (aka picking up more clothes and groceries for our growing boy), Cade took a ride around on his scooter ride from Gigi.

All was well until Cade got a bit tripped up...

And took a tumble...

Bedtime was true to form with Cade's silly, sassy self. We have a nighttime routine of brushing teeth, reading, singing, saying our prayers and, lastly, snuggling. Cade was all about the silly snuggling with daddy and Bella tonight..I just had to get my camera to catch the action....

So, do you think our sweet boy is becoming quite the little ham?!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Family flashback...

Just because, here's the little man one year ago today when we went raspberry picking with Grandma Lech.

My, how he's grown..tomorrow we'll find out just how much at Cade's 18 month check up. Wish us luck!


Cade was quite the little funny man during dinner tonight. Jon was vacuuming while Cade was eating so I told Cade to say, "Good job, daddy." So Cade continued to say...ALL through dinner..."good job dada...good job dada...good job dada" and on and on. It was hilarious. Aunt Lys came over and then Cade really put on the comedic performance. He had to show off his new talent - giving knuckles.

Good job, buddy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

No No, Nigh Nigh...

Our poor, sweet boy Cade is still trying to cut those second year molars. He was kindly rewarded for his sore mouth (and sore bum from the diaper rash) with some ice cream with daddy on, yeah, he was a fan.

On the other hand, Cade was not as big a fan of bedtime...can't I just sleep here in your chair, dada??

Typically, puppy time means bed time for the little man..but Cade showed us just how he felt about puppy time...he shoots, he scores.

Then, daddy showed Cade just who's boss around here..if you won't go to bed, daddy will take you to bed...puppy and all.

On Saturday, Jon & I had a wedding to attend for our friends, Bill & Moni. Cade got to have some quality time and a sleepover with Grandma Janet. We enjoyed our wonderful evening out...

..but as always, it was great to be back hanging with the little man today. We were especially grateful to celebrate Jon's club championship win at Pinewood. He beat out the previous champ - Grandpa Tom. Congratulations daddy! After a golf-filled weekend, you would think Grandpa & Jon would be tired of golf..but you would be wrong. We hit Greenwood with Tom & Janet for nine holes while Cade hung out with Grandma & Grandpa Lech, Aunt Lys and Uncle Kyle. After golf, we had a tasty celebratory dinner at the Lech's.
All and all, it was a wonderful times with family and friends..and of course, golf!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Our little boy is growing up. Today, Cade had his first kiss...and with an older woman at that. His smooching partner, Ava, is an adorable 2 1/2 (nearly 3) year old daughter of a fellow Evergreen and granddaughter of one of Grandma Felch's volleyball friends. Today, we met up at the end of the volleyball season party at Weston Lane's for a meet and greet with Cade, Ava and her little brother Will. After some initial shyness, (all on Cade's part - Ava was as chatty and pleasant as can be) Cade obviously overcame his coy attitude and planted a soft, sweet smooch on Ava's cheek before we left. It was adorable..I only wish I had snapped a photo.

And because we have been sans photo for two posts now, here is Cade a year ago tomorrow. If he keeps up this smooching action, we may put him back behind bars.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week(end) in the Life..

Our sincerest apologies..we have been so busy living life that we have not captured it on film. So, bare with us as we relive the week(end) in the life of the Felch fam sans pictures.

Last Thursday, Cade had his first trip to the pool with Grandma Felch. We teased that he would be too good for us, as his first time to the pool was to the country club pool. Grandma made sure to teach him how to put his nose in the hair - ha - just kidding. It was a perfect first pool visit because it was pretty quiet..versus the community pool or splash pad adorned with kids galore. Cade was a bit unsure at first but once he found the pool noodle (aka golf club) and beach ball (aka golf ball), he was good to go. He even ventured into the deep end at a staggering 1.5 feet. As he walked back into the 'shallow' end, he tried to lift his feet and step over the water. I wish I could have seen that silly sight. Cade is definitely one lucky boy to have such fun outings with Grandma!

On Thursday night, we settled in once again for bath time. I decided to forgo joining in on the splish splash action and, surprise, surprise, I think we can officially declare the end of Cade's bath phobia. He did great - he even let me lay him down slightly into the water. Perhaps his pool excursion earlier in the day helped him realize that water was - once again - fun. And if there was any doubt in our minds, it was very clear at Sunday's bath time that Cade was back to his bath lovin' self as he climbed into the tub excitedly..while still wearing his diaper. This is one battle I'm delighted to declare victory upon!

On another note, we can semi-officially declare Cade's war on his bike helmet over as well. He now loves to 'hit the trail' and doesn't even seem to mind the helmet. This is great timing, as summer seems to have finally arrived and family bike rides are a wonderful way to celebrate breezy, sunny, summer evenings.

Such is a day in the life of the Felch clan...more fun (and photos) coming soon...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tee-rific TV

If you're wondering what Cade's favorite TV program is and you're thinking Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or Handy Manny - you would be wrong. Sure, he loves the "hot dog" dance on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse..and watching the tools and Handy Manny help the community but his favorite thing to watch Last weekend, he sat in the chair (and he doesn't just sit still for anything anymore!) and watched golf for over half an hour with Jon. I think he must be studying techniques for his future gig on the tour. He's a team player as well...he even claps when someone makes a good shot. Tonight was no was time for bed but Cade came running out into the living room in his jams and stopped dead in his tracks.

It is PGA Championship weekend of course!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blankie Lovin'

As previously mentioned, Cade has developed quite the attachment to his blankies. He especially loves cozying up to his best pal, Bella. Bella, on the other hand, prefers to lay solitaire. The other night, Bella let Cade cozy up to her and then proceeded to lick Cade's face, ears and hair. We laughed and told Cade that Bella was trying to give him kisses. Not to be outdone, he puckered up and headed his little lips towards Bella's snout - "mwah!" It was priceless.

Here are some more photos of the little (big) man cuddlin' up...

with a bit of crazy...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chomp, Chomp...

Poor Cade is nearly finished teething..his last set of molars is coming in. The poor little guy did remarkably well with teething overall..especially considering almost all of his teeth came in at once!

With the first set of molars, he developed terrible diaper rash. It was a shock to us because Cade had never had diaper rash. Enter set two of molars and the diaper rash is back with a vengeance.... Grandma Lech recommended the tried and true remedy of soaking in salt water. We were a bit unsure if Cade would be up for it, as he's still overcoming his bath aversion. After the initial cautiousness entering the water, he loved sitting and playing in the sink. He even had a little arm workout pushing the faucet back and forth. Thankfully, the water fun also helped Cade's little bum. Here's hoping those chompers push through soon!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes...

Cade has been practicing showing us his body parts...he especially loves showing off his belly and tickling toesies.

Tonight he had some difficulty lifting his shirt up...he probably just didn't want to hide the logo of his favorite team!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Si Si Salsa

So it appears Cade's love of condiments doesn't end at ketchup. Tonight, he tried chips and salsa for the first time...he was a fan. And, similar to his love fest with ketchup, he had to dip the chip, suck off the salsa, redip, etc....don't worry if you're at our house eating chips and salsa - we'll be sure to pick up a fresh jar for visitors and guests!

Here's the little man in all of his salsa loving glory...he insisted on having the jar on his high chair tray...


But, don't think for one minute that Cade forgot about his old love, ketchup. He made sure to "paint" the ketchup that was left on his hands from his hamburger at dinner ALL OVER his face.

Which condiment will he eat up next???


As previously mentioned, Cade is quite the little avid golfer. He LOVES to "golf" and would stay outside all day if possible. As an 18 month old, he is also quite the mimic - he has been watching us practice and now he will step up and address the ball, bounce a bit, look forward at his "shot" and then proceed to hit the ball. It is really quite hilarious to see...I've been trying to capture it on video but of course as soon as I get the camera out, he doesn't do it.

In the mean time, here are more photos of the little man golfing. We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Lech's last night for Wednesday dinner since daddy has golf league (is there a theme here?!) and Cade was elated with his new REAL club Grandma & Grandpa bought for him. He is quite spoiled with clubs..he probably has 10+ clubs at our house, at the cabin and at each of the grandparent's houses. At first, he had a bit of trouble with the weight of the club and we thought for sure he'd either take out his toe...or his head...but he managed, albeit with a bit of frustration here and there.

Please excuse the grainy photos..I forgot my camera and had to use my phone to capture the moment...but don't worry, I'm sure there will be many more golf photos and videos to see in the very near future...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Lately, Cade has been a silly, silly boy at bedtime. He alternates between running around while shaking his head and going "aaaggghhh" (his c-r-a-z-y mood!) and then laying down, closing his eyes and cozying up to his blankie. His blankies are definitely becoming his "loveys." He especially loves his night time blanket made by Great Aunt Kathie and his blanket that he keeps at daycare made by Great Great Aunt Karen. Every morning, he now has to bring his blankie out to cuddle with while drinking his milk.

Tonight was no exception to the nighttime craziness. Cade climbed up on the couch with Grandpa & Grandma Lech, seemingly sleepy and ready for a cuddle until.... ...this lash out of pure craziness. Such a sweet, silly boy.