Sunday, August 23, 2009

No No, Nigh Nigh...

Our poor, sweet boy Cade is still trying to cut those second year molars. He was kindly rewarded for his sore mouth (and sore bum from the diaper rash) with some ice cream with daddy on, yeah, he was a fan.

On the other hand, Cade was not as big a fan of bedtime...can't I just sleep here in your chair, dada??

Typically, puppy time means bed time for the little man..but Cade showed us just how he felt about puppy time...he shoots, he scores.

Then, daddy showed Cade just who's boss around here..if you won't go to bed, daddy will take you to bed...puppy and all.

On Saturday, Jon & I had a wedding to attend for our friends, Bill & Moni. Cade got to have some quality time and a sleepover with Grandma Janet. We enjoyed our wonderful evening out...

..but as always, it was great to be back hanging with the little man today. We were especially grateful to celebrate Jon's club championship win at Pinewood. He beat out the previous champ - Grandpa Tom. Congratulations daddy! After a golf-filled weekend, you would think Grandpa & Jon would be tired of golf..but you would be wrong. We hit Greenwood with Tom & Janet for nine holes while Cade hung out with Grandma & Grandpa Lech, Aunt Lys and Uncle Kyle. After golf, we had a tasty celebratory dinner at the Lech's.
All and all, it was a wonderful times with family and friends..and of course, golf!

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