Thursday, August 6, 2009

Si Si Salsa

So it appears Cade's love of condiments doesn't end at ketchup. Tonight, he tried chips and salsa for the first time...he was a fan. And, similar to his love fest with ketchup, he had to dip the chip, suck off the salsa, redip, etc....don't worry if you're at our house eating chips and salsa - we'll be sure to pick up a fresh jar for visitors and guests!

Here's the little man in all of his salsa loving glory...he insisted on having the jar on his high chair tray...


But, don't think for one minute that Cade forgot about his old love, ketchup. He made sure to "paint" the ketchup that was left on his hands from his hamburger at dinner ALL OVER his face.

Which condiment will he eat up next???

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