Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chomp, Chomp...

Poor Cade is nearly finished teething..his last set of molars is coming in. The poor little guy did remarkably well with teething overall..especially considering almost all of his teeth came in at once!

With the first set of molars, he developed terrible diaper rash. It was a shock to us because Cade had never had diaper rash. Enter set two of molars and the diaper rash is back with a vengeance.... Grandma Lech recommended the tried and true remedy of soaking in salt water. We were a bit unsure if Cade would be up for it, as he's still overcoming his bath aversion. After the initial cautiousness entering the water, he loved sitting and playing in the sink. He even had a little arm workout pushing the faucet back and forth. Thankfully, the water fun also helped Cade's little bum. Here's hoping those chompers push through soon!

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