Thursday, August 6, 2009


As previously mentioned, Cade is quite the little avid golfer. He LOVES to "golf" and would stay outside all day if possible. As an 18 month old, he is also quite the mimic - he has been watching us practice and now he will step up and address the ball, bounce a bit, look forward at his "shot" and then proceed to hit the ball. It is really quite hilarious to see...I've been trying to capture it on video but of course as soon as I get the camera out, he doesn't do it.

In the mean time, here are more photos of the little man golfing. We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Lech's last night for Wednesday dinner since daddy has golf league (is there a theme here?!) and Cade was elated with his new REAL club Grandma & Grandpa bought for him. He is quite spoiled with clubs..he probably has 10+ clubs at our house, at the cabin and at each of the grandparent's houses. At first, he had a bit of trouble with the weight of the club and we thought for sure he'd either take out his toe...or his head...but he managed, albeit with a bit of frustration here and there.

Please excuse the grainy photos..I forgot my camera and had to use my phone to capture the moment...but don't worry, I'm sure there will be many more golf photos and videos to see in the very near future...

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