Monday, August 17, 2009

Week(end) in the Life..

Our sincerest apologies..we have been so busy living life that we have not captured it on film. So, bare with us as we relive the week(end) in the life of the Felch fam sans pictures.

Last Thursday, Cade had his first trip to the pool with Grandma Felch. We teased that he would be too good for us, as his first time to the pool was to the country club pool. Grandma made sure to teach him how to put his nose in the hair - ha - just kidding. It was a perfect first pool visit because it was pretty quiet..versus the community pool or splash pad adorned with kids galore. Cade was a bit unsure at first but once he found the pool noodle (aka golf club) and beach ball (aka golf ball), he was good to go. He even ventured into the deep end at a staggering 1.5 feet. As he walked back into the 'shallow' end, he tried to lift his feet and step over the water. I wish I could have seen that silly sight. Cade is definitely one lucky boy to have such fun outings with Grandma!

On Thursday night, we settled in once again for bath time. I decided to forgo joining in on the splish splash action and, surprise, surprise, I think we can officially declare the end of Cade's bath phobia. He did great - he even let me lay him down slightly into the water. Perhaps his pool excursion earlier in the day helped him realize that water was - once again - fun. And if there was any doubt in our minds, it was very clear at Sunday's bath time that Cade was back to his bath lovin' self as he climbed into the tub excitedly..while still wearing his diaper. This is one battle I'm delighted to declare victory upon!

On another note, we can semi-officially declare Cade's war on his bike helmet over as well. He now loves to 'hit the trail' and doesn't even seem to mind the helmet. This is great timing, as summer seems to have finally arrived and family bike rides are a wonderful way to celebrate breezy, sunny, summer evenings.

Such is a day in the life of the Felch clan...more fun (and photos) coming soon...

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