Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news...

Cade had his 18 month check-up today. Surprise, surprise - our little man is now way off the charts. He was hovering around the 97-100th percentile but now he jumped right off the growth chart. Our little, wait big, man checks in at the following:

Weight 33lb, 15 oz
Height 36" (aka 3 feet tall!)

Cade looked a bit rough heading to the doctor..our little climber fell off the chair today and had his first fat lip. He also had matching mosquito bites on each side of his eye.

Here's the poor little dude in pain...

Oh wait, just kidding...his fat lip didn't slow him down at all!

When we got home from the doctor and running errands (aka picking up more clothes and groceries for our growing boy), Cade took a ride around on his scooter ride from Gigi.

All was well until Cade got a bit tripped up...

And took a tumble...

Bedtime was true to form with Cade's silly, sassy self. We have a nighttime routine of brushing teeth, reading, singing, saying our prayers and, lastly, snuggling. Cade was all about the silly snuggling with daddy and Bella tonight..I just had to get my camera to catch the action....

So, do you think our sweet boy is becoming quite the little ham?!

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