Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Swingin' Good Time...

It was another wonderful weekend that went too fast. On Saturday, it was freeeeeezing outside. Daddy knew this first hand as he was in a golf outing..brrr. We snuggled up at home and did some cleaning. Cade was a happy helper with the swiffer duster. He was mimicking me and dusting the shelves in the living room, the bookshelf in his room...until...this....

...once again, Cade proves he can make anything into a golf club.

On Sunday, we observed our day of rest. After Cade's nap, we headed outside to play. Daddy was golfing..again..but today was a much nicer day. Cade wandered over to the park for some swing and slide fun...

He just giggled the entire time on the was precious!






1 comment:

  1. great pictues! you should get a frame that spells SLIDE and put these in ...
