Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Our little boy is growing up. Today, Cade had his first kiss...and with an older woman at that. His smooching partner, Ava, is an adorable 2 1/2 (nearly 3) year old daughter of a fellow Evergreen and granddaughter of one of Grandma Felch's volleyball friends. Today, we met up at the end of the volleyball season party at Weston Lane's for a meet and greet with Cade, Ava and her little brother Will. After some initial shyness, (all on Cade's part - Ava was as chatty and pleasant as can be) Cade obviously overcame his coy attitude and planted a soft, sweet smooch on Ava's cheek before we left. It was adorable..I only wish I had snapped a photo.

And because we have been sans photo for two posts now, here is Cade a year ago tomorrow. If he keeps up this smooching action, we may put him back behind bars.

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